Missouri Alliance for Home Care, Logo
Serving providers of home care in Missouri
Return Home
March 25, 2025

Contact MAHC

Missouri Alliance for HOME CARE
2420 Hyde Park, Suite A
Jefferson City, MO  65109-4731

Phone: (573) 634-7772
Fax: (573) 634-4374

Via Email

Staff Contacts

Carol Hudspeth - Executive Director

Carol oversees all operations and projects of the association. In addition to her duties as executive director, Carol is the primary advocate for home care on legislative and regulatory issues.

Jeanne Blomberg - Director of Meetings and Education & Outreach Coordinator

Jeanne plans and organizes the educational offerings of the association, including the annual conference and numerous classes on topics specific to home care including Aide In-services and Therapy and administers the contracts with the Missouri Adult Day Services Association and Missouri Chapter-National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys to provide their association management.

Office Coordinator

The Office Coordinator handles membership, data entry and general office operations.