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Serving providers of home care in Missouri
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February 13, 2025

Industry Resources


Helpful Tool - Information Medicaid Recipients Must Provide to Re-enroll
Click Here


Alzheimer’s Resources

AD8 – Dementia Screening Interview Tool
Washington University developed this Eight-Item Informant Interview to be used as a self-administered interview or read aloud to the respondent or patient.  This interview screen is insufficient to diagnose a dementia type disorder.  The AD8 is however sensitive to detecting early cognitive changes associated with many common dementia illnesses including Alzheimer’s disease.

Instructions for administration and interpretation are included with the Tool.  AD8 Administration and Scoring Tool

Annual Wellness Visit – A New Medicare Benefit for Seniors
Under the ACA, Medicare will now pay for an annual wellness visit, which will include the creation of a personalized prevention plan and detection of possible cognitive impairment.  This new benefit began on January 1, 2011.

During the exam, the doctor will assess an individual’s cognitive function by direct observation, with due consideration of information obtained by way of patient report, concerns raised by family members, caretakers or others.  Home Care clinicians and aides can provide input into the patient report that the doctor uses.   

Take advantage of this opportunity and let your patients know about this new Medicare benefit they are entitled to receive.  Factsheet

Know the 10 Signs
Memory loss that disrupts daily life may be a symptom of Alzheimer's or another dementia. Alzheimer's is a brain disease that causes a slow decline in memory, thinking and reasoning skills. There are 10 warning signs and symptoms. Every individual may experience one or more of these signs in different degrees.   Warning Signs Check List


Funds Available for Missourians with Disabilities
Click here for details on how to apply


Home Health Quality Improvement (HHQI) National Campaign
The Home Health Quality Improvement (HHQI) National Campaign is reigniting its efforts to help home care providers improve quality with new evidence-based educational tools, individualized data reports and a variety of networking opportunities for home health and cross-setting providers.

2012 HHQI National Campaign Welcome Webinar


Missouri Assistive Technology offers programs that can help individuals with disabilities in Missouri, get assistive devices to remain in their home.  www.at.mo.gov
Show me Loans: Low interest loan to finance things such as hearing aids or home modifications.
TAP for Telephone: (TAP-T) provides access to basic voice telephone calling with adaptive phone equipment
TAP for Internet: (TAP-I) provides residents that cannot use traditional computer equipment, the adaptive items necessary for access to the internet/e-mail.


One-stop shopping for OASIS-C assessment tools is here!
MAHC has assembled assessment and intervention tools vital to your clinical assessment. While most tools are available at no cost, please respect applicable guidelines or restrictions where noted*.

Depression Screening Tools...
Beck-Pearson Depression Inventory:
*There is a cost for the manual and forms

Patient Health Questionnaire: http://www.phqscreeners.com
Geriatric Depression Scale: Geriatric Depression ScaleTool

Wound Care Tools...
Braden Scale for Predicting Pressure Sore Risk
Rules for using Braden Scale
Johnston Pressure Ulcer Intervention Tool

Pain Assessment Tools...
Pain Rating Scale Pocket Card

Fall Risk Assessment Screening Tools...
Benchmarking Fall Reduction

CHF Patient Self-Management Tool...
CHF Failure Zones: Important to print in color!

If you use a tool that is available in the public domain, please share it with us so that we might add it to this resource library.